We had a great time last week visiting friends & family in California! We packed a lot into 4 and a half days! We stayed with my brother Mark and his wife Lisa at their new house in Pacifica which is gorgeous! We managed very well checking in all of our luggage curbside and getting through security without much trouble at all. Lucy did great on the airplane, she didn't fuss a bit. The flights were nice, short and on-time which made everything go really smoothly. There were extra seats on both flights so we were able to have an entire row to ourselves and Lucy could sit in her car seat in her own seat on the plane! That was really nice.
We loved spending time with my family, Chris' family and our friends. We were really sad to have to leave and it always makes us wish that we lived there, but we do love our Portland home and our friends here too. We had great weather every single day...it was clear blue skies and warm...it was great to wear flip flops!
Some highlights of the trip were Lucy meeting her older cousins Phoebe and Emma, seeing how great Lisa is looking at 8 months pregnant and getting to see baby Tessa's room and their new house, visiting with Grandpa Andy and my great Aunt Louise (who will turn 95 next month!), spending time with Chris' family in Petaluma--we went out to lunch with Chris' dad, Peggy and Chris' Grandma Mary, and so we got pictures of 4 generations together which was very neat. Chris's Grandma lit up when she saw Lucy which was really neat to see. Other highlights were visiting Chris' mom and Jim at the hospital...they were both thrilled to see Lucy and Marian seems to be doing really well considering everything that's going on! The nurses and staff at the hospital couldn't get enough of Lucy too. People kept coming in the room to check her out. It was sweet. More highlights were of course the baby shower Saturday and getting to spend time with Grandma Emily, and Chris, Mark and my dad enjoyed going to a Giants game while we were at the shower. We had a great time Saturday night at Auntie Gina's house, where they hosted a great BBQ with several friends from college. Then we got to spend Sunday morning with my sister Kristi and her beautiful girls Phoebe and Emma and also my mom and Bob before we flew home that night. All in all, it was a fabulous trip and I really hope we get to do it again soon!!
This week has been really busy for me...today is my only day off. One of the dentists at our practice left, so it's now only myself and the owner of the practice...so I may be picking up an extra day here and there until we find another dentist, so it looks like it might be a little busy for awhile. I'm looking forward to going to mom/baby group this afternoon with Lucy and just hanging out!
Yesterday was Lucy's four month check-up. Dr. Ericksen thinks she's doing really well...she's tracking right along on the growth curves...she's still at 95% for length and head circumference and a little above 50% for weight. Her four month stats were:
height: 26.25"; weight: 13 lb. 15 oz.; head: 43.3 cm
She got 4 shots, only screamed for a few seconds and then settled right down.
As of Monday, we've officially moved her into her own room into her crib. She seems to be doing well with that and I'm now only feeding her one time in the middle of the night. She will wake up and cry a little bit at other times but she seems to settle down quickly which is great. Hopefully the good nights will continue. I think her shots made her tired because this morning after I fed her around 6:30, she fell back to sleep until 10:20! So unusual for her, but it was nice for me. I got to sleep in a little bit too and then got up and got some things done around the house.
One last bit of great news...I passed my board exam! The certificate was in my mailbox when we got home Sunday night. I was so excited!!