In a few days, Lucy will be 4 months old! Can't believe how fast the time is going...
We enjoyed spending several days with Chris' Dad Bob and Peggy...they loved getting to know her, and she loved them! Saturday, we went to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, OR, about an hour from our house. It has an IMAX theater and a huge museum that is home to the Spruce Goose. It was really cool. Lucy did great, we just put her in the Bjorn and cruised around. Lucy's first trip to a museum, and also her first movie! (an IMAX movie called Fighter Pilot)
Chris' 32nd birthday was yesterday. We celebrated with his dad and Peggy Monday night before they left...I made little chocolate lava cakes and we opened gifts. Chris got some nice, a webcam, and I got him a 29 gallon aquarium so he can do a salt water fish tank like he had before we moved to the East Coast. He also got some cash so we can go buy the fish and things to set up the aquarium, and Mark and Lisa are treating him to a baseball game when we are down in California next week! All in all, he made out really well and had a fun birthday.
We had a nice, relaxing Easter. Saturday night before Easter, we went over to Chris' Aunt Helen's house and did Easter eggs and had some pizza. On Easter, we went to church and out to eat and had a relaxing day. Lucy looked adorable in her little yellow Easter dress.
Those are the highlights from the last couple of seems so busy. Even on my days off, there are a million errands to do and things to get done besides just enjoying that time with Lucy. Today, we're looking forward to getting our grocery shopping done and going to the Mom's group and Gymboree tonight! I did join a gym a couple of weeks ago, so I've been trying to get there a couple times a week too. I worked out last night and I am sore! That tells you how out of shape I am!
We're really looking forward to seeing many of you next week in California...should be a lot of fun! We're a little nervous and flying with Lucy for the first time and trying to figure out how to bring all that we need, but I'm sure it will be fine.
We hope everyone has a great week!
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