Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Multnomah Falls
Last weekend, we had three of our old friends from the church we went to when we lived in Boston come and visit! It was a lot of fun. We had great weather, so we got to do some fun stuff outdoors! One thing we did was hike Multnomah Falls, a big beautiful waterfall about 30 miles east of Portland. We just put Lucy in the Ergo carrier backpack (I love that thing!) and hiked to the top. It's only about one mile up. It was so much fun! We took Daisy too. We all had a great time. Here are some pictures from that day.
Growing up!
So now that Lucy is half a year old, it was time for her to graduate from our Thursday afternoon mommy/baby group. Such a sad day. We looked forward to going every was so much fun to talk to other moms and for Lucy to play with other babies. We definitely made a lot of friends and will continue to see them in our playgroup. Above are some pictures of Lucy on her graduation day!
Lucy also had her 6-month check-up about a week ago and had a bit of a rough go with the vaccinations. She gagged on the oral rotavirus vaccine...I'm sure it must taste yucky. Then, that night she was fussy and had a low-grade fever. Poor baby. 4 shots! But she was feeling much better the next day. The pediatrician said that now that Lucy is starting solids, it's OK for her to not be eating during the night (I've been wanting to wean her from those night-time feedings for awhile). So, she's gone 4 or 5 nights now without eating in the middle of the night. She goes down between 8:30-9 and wakes up between 6-7:30 to eat. She usually wakes up one other time, maybe around 3am, but goes back to sleep easily without being fed. So that's great! She actually seems to be sleeping much better and mom definitely is sleeping much better! For her 6 month stats at the pediatrician:
Height: 27 3/4 "--95th percentile
Weight: 15 lb. 12.5 oz --40th percentile
Head: 45.3 cm--95th percentile
Thank you to those of you who voted for Lucy to win the free photo session. Sadly, she did not win, but it was fun!
Other fun things recently...
I threw a baby shower for our nanny was a surprise, and boy was she surprised!!
Lucy started swim class today at Children of the Sea, and she loves it! She absolutely loves the water...she's a little fish! She had so much fun splashing around and kicking her legs in the warm pool and looking and laughing with the other babies in the class. They did all kinds of exercises, songs & activities to get the babies comfortable in the water. The class is 10 weeks long through the summer. It'll be a lot of fun.
Next week, we leave for Salt Lake City to spend 5 days there over the 4th of July! We're excited to see my mom & Bob and a friend and his family from dental school who live there too. Should be a fun trip.
And, very exciting news, Lucy has her first two teeth coming in! The poked through the gums this past Sunday.
Yum, yum...rice cereal, peas, avocados, bananas, carrots, mmmm :)
So now that Lucy is 6 months old, she has moved on to eating some solid foods. But I have to admit, she's kind of a picky eater!! She definitely does not take after her mom. We started her on rice cereal, which she absolutely LOVES!! Next we tried peas, which she hated. She would give us a sour yucky face and sometimes gag. I heard that other moms had good success with avocado, so I decided to get some avocados and puree them for Lucy. That was a no-go too. She puked them up on the second bite. I was kind of trying to hold out on giving her the sweet yummy fruits right away, but with her just refusing avocados & peas, I thought, let's try some bananas. So Saturday morning, I puree some nice sweet ripe bananas for her. Hates them. Turns her head away & refuses to eat them! Bananas???? I was thinking she was bananas! All along, she continued to eat her rice cereal and love it...just not so interested in the other stuff. Next I tried giving her carrots. She loves carrots...she's been eating a jar a day for about 4 days now. This morning, she had sweet potatoes for the first time which went over pretty well too. So maybe her taste buds were just adjusting to these new flavors. Now that I've had some success with carrots & sweet potatoes, I think I may try some of the other foods again and see if she'll take them. Here are some funny pictures of her eating her rice cereal for the first time!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
6 months old!
Sorry I've been so long in updating the blog! Lots of you have been asking me to put up some recent pictures of Lucy, so here they are. Lucy will be 6 months old on Saturday, and we are excited to start giving her some "solid" foods...really more like mushy, runny foods! We'll give her some rice cereal Saturday and see how that goes. We're excited! Sadly, at 6 months, she graduates from our Thursday afternoon mom's group, so we'll miss going to that. But we've made good friends there, and will continue seeing our mom/baby friends at our new playgroup. This past Monday night, we had a girl's night out without the babies! We met after work for a happy hour downtown and then went to see Sex and the City. It was a lot of fun. But I have a lot of ideas for fun activities now that the weekly mom's group is over. I want to do swim lessons with Lucy, go to the library for story time and go back to gymboree. So we'll be doing lots of fun stuff.
Other exciting news is that Lucy's cousin Tessa was born at 8:08 a.m. on Friday, May 23rd. She is a beautiful, healthy little girl and Mark, Lisa and her are all doing great! It was fun to get to meet her when she wasn't even a day old!
Most of you know that sadly, Chris' mom passed away Tuesday, May 20th. We were down there with family until Monday May 26th. There was a beautiful get-together of family & friends to celebrate her life on that Saturday, and Sunday, we went to Bodega Bay to one of her favorite beaches and scattered her ashes there. She will be missed tremendously. She was an amazing mother, wife, sister and was loved by many friends as well.
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