So now that Lucy is half a year old, it was time for her to graduate from our Thursday afternoon mommy/baby group. Such a sad day. We looked forward to going every was so much fun to talk to other moms and for Lucy to play with other babies. We definitely made a lot of friends and will continue to see them in our playgroup. Above are some pictures of Lucy on her graduation day!
Lucy also had her 6-month check-up about a week ago and had a bit of a rough go with the vaccinations. She gagged on the oral rotavirus vaccine...I'm sure it must taste yucky. Then, that night she was fussy and had a low-grade fever. Poor baby. 4 shots! But she was feeling much better the next day. The pediatrician said that now that Lucy is starting solids, it's OK for her to not be eating during the night (I've been wanting to wean her from those night-time feedings for awhile). So, she's gone 4 or 5 nights now without eating in the middle of the night. She goes down between 8:30-9 and wakes up between 6-7:30 to eat. She usually wakes up one other time, maybe around 3am, but goes back to sleep easily without being fed. So that's great! She actually seems to be sleeping much better and mom definitely is sleeping much better! For her 6 month stats at the pediatrician:
Height: 27 3/4 "--95th percentile
Weight: 15 lb. 12.5 oz --40th percentile
Head: 45.3 cm--95th percentile
Thank you to those of you who voted for Lucy to win the free photo session. Sadly, she did not win, but it was fun!
Other fun things recently...
I threw a baby shower for our nanny was a surprise, and boy was she surprised!!
Lucy started swim class today at Children of the Sea, and she loves it! She absolutely loves the water...she's a little fish! She had so much fun splashing around and kicking her legs in the warm pool and looking and laughing with the other babies in the class. They did all kinds of exercises, songs & activities to get the babies comfortable in the water. The class is 10 weeks long through the summer. It'll be a lot of fun.
Next week, we leave for Salt Lake City to spend 5 days there over the 4th of July! We're excited to see my mom & Bob and a friend and his family from dental school who live there too. Should be a fun trip.
And, very exciting news, Lucy has her first two teeth coming in! The poked through the gums this past Sunday.
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