In the mean time, we have been enjoying our weekly swim classes which we will continue in the fall. Lucy has been growing and doing all kinds of fun stuff. Her newest tricks are playing peek-a-boo with her initiating it by putting something over her face to hide, and then we say "Where's Lucy????" when she hears us say that, she pulls down whatever is covering her face and we say "There she is!!!" And she smiles and laughs. She'll do this over and over again! It's pretty cute. She also now waves intentionally when you say hi Lucy and wave hello or goodbye at her. It's so cute!
Next month will also be busy and fun. We are going to the Oregon coast again in a couple of weeks for a dental meeting. At the end of September, we are going to California for a week to visit family and attend Lauren's wedding! We can't wait for that trip. I'm also working on putting together a little baby shower in September for my good friend Dianna who lives here in Portland. Lots of fun stuff to look forward to!
And I think most of you know, but maybe not everyone, that Chris is going to stay home with Lucy starting in October after we get back from our trip to California. That will be a big change for our family and we're all very happy and excited about it!
So I think those are the major updates...sorry I haven't updated the blog sooner, but with the summer being so busy and Lucy on-the-go, it's hard to find time to sit down and do it! I've finally figured out how to take some video on my camera, so I hope to be able to post some videos soon too.
No Way, Lucy's goggles are adorable!
yay! I made the blog :)
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