Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finally Updated the Blog!

I know it's been months since I've written on the blog! Sorry to those of you who have been checking in with it and not finding any new Lucy pictures!!! It's been a busy few months with a fun trip to Hawaii in May, a trip to the Oregon coast in June, a quick trip for me to Atlanta for my good friend Tina's engagement party over the 4th of July, and lots of other fun stuff in between. The rest of the summer is shaping up to be pretty busy too. We just had a fun 4 day visit with my dad here in Portland and we're going to Reno for Chris' dad's wedding in a couple of weeks. That trip will be fun because we'll also get to see Chris' brother Kevin and his wife April. Their baby girl is due next month!

This week, Chris is getting his wisdom teeth out so we'll just be laying low at home while Chris recovers.

When we get back from Reno, Chris will be going on a fun men's retreat which will be a 2 day camping trip with white water rafting, hiking and fishing. Then we leave for California to visit friends and family the first week in August.

I hope you enjoy getting caught up with what we've been up to the last few months. There are 6 or 7 new posts below to check out with lots of great pictures of lucy.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Sounds like you have had a fun, busy past few months. Plus you have some fun events to come! Very jealous of Hawaii! Lucy is growing up and is darling! Let us know next time you are in UT!