Friday, January 18, 2008

Smiles :)

Above is a picture of Lucy smiling (and looking a little cross-eyed!). She's been smiling a lot for the past couple of weeks, but we haven't been able to capture it on camera yet! This shows her smiling, although not as big as a lot of her smiles have been.

Lucy is 6 weeks old today and doing great, although the never-ending saga of trying to get Lucy to gain weight continues. She woke up Tuesday morning with her right eye swollen shut & goopy. I took her to the pediatrician and he said she has a blocked tear duct in that eye which got infected. So he prescribed an antibiotic ointment to put in her eye. We did that twice and it looks so much better already! While we were there, we checked her weight and she had only gained a few ounces since her last weight check about a week prior to that, so she's only averaging about half an ounce of weight gain per day which is the very lower end of what is considered OK. So that continues to be very nerve wracking for us. She now weighs just over 10 lb. Dr. Ericksen thinks she may have reflux because of the fussiness during feedings, so he put her on medication for reflux. So far it does seem to be helping with the fussiness a little bit, but it doesn't really seem like she's eating a lot more than she was. She is sleeping really well at night in between feedings so we're feeling a little more rested. We have another visit to the lactation clinic for a weight check Sunday, so we'll see how that goes! Next week we start an infant massage class through the hospital which is supposed to be great to help babies with gas and is also supposed to help with sleep.

This week, I brought Lucy into work at lunch time so everybody could meet her. That was a lot of fun! And the Mom/baby group we go to on Thursdays continues to be great. I never thought I'd talk so much about breastfeeding & poop & lack of sleep, but it's great to have that time with other moms. Bethany came again this Wednesday...I was able to go grocery shopping, get some stuff done around the house and go get my brows waxed. Having that time makes me feel a little more normal being able to get out of the house for a few hours on my own. That's about all for this week...hope everyone's doing well.


Marvel said...

Logging on since just receiving this address last night. Am enjoying the adorable photos and informational entries. Great idea!
How do you find the time?
Pink Quilt! Hooray! Happy to see that the quilt I made is being put to good use!
Come on, Lucy. Gain an ounce for Auntie!
Warm regards, Marvel

Mandy said...

I just read your entire blog! I am so glad you are in the blog world now. So fun to read your joys and woes of being a mother since I can relate! I can't believe our girls are only 17 days apart in age. Love Lucy's smile! Isn't that the best to see your little girl smile back at you? Take care and get some sleep whenever you can!

Dorothy said...

I'm praying for you guys. She's beautiful!
love you :)