Wow, can't believe I've already been back to work for 2 weeks! It is definitely very hard being back to work. I hate being away from Lucy for the whole day! I feel like I'm missing so much. This week was especially tough because one of the dentists in the practice was out this week and they asked me to cover Wednesday and Thursday, my usual days off. So I worked a 5 day week this week and feel like I didn't get to see Lucy much at all.
Lucy is doing some fun new things...we signed her up for Gymboree so we go there now on Thursday evenings and she really likes it! We do all kinds of things there, sing songs, tummy time, use fun props like parachutes. And yesterday, Lucy rolled over completely from her back to her tummy. She's been rolling over halfway for a couple of weeks now...she'll swing her legs over and go from her back to her side, but yesterday, she was lying on her back in her Baby Einstein gym playing and looking up at the musical star and then all of a sudden, Chris heard her grunting a little bit. He went over and she was on her tummy! So she had completely rolled over. Unfortunately nobody saw the actual "roll", but I'm hoping she'll do it again this weekend!
Sleep has still been a struggle...we were working on transitioning her to her crib, but that didn't go so well...she was waking much more frequently, so after a few days of really trying, we decided to keep doing the bassinet in our room for one more month and trying again at 4 months old. We've started doing a really good bedtime routine at the same time every night, so we usually start around 7:30 giving her a bath, then doing PJ's and a little massage, the we read a couple of stories and then I feed her. Usually after all of that, she's pretty sleepy and we put her down in her bassinet. Usually she'll cry a little bit at first or wake up in that first hour we put her down, but we are trying to let her cry it out a little bit when we first put her down, but we go in every few minutes to reassure her. This has been working reasonably well, and she seems to be going down much easier now and doesn't cry for long at all. We're hoping that pretty soon we'll be able to just put her down and she'll just go to sleep without any crying! The hard part about her sleeping is that she does wake still 1-3 times every night but will usually go back to sleep easily after I feed her. But I am also trying to get her to go longer at night between feedings, definitely not feeding her more than every 3 hours, and she'll often go 4-5 hours, so some things are definitely getting a little better! We're also going to buy a sound machine this weekend and try that out...a few moms I've talked to swear by that. Sleep and babies is just one of those issues that is tough...I've been reading different books and talking to lots of moms about what they're doing, but every baby is so different, I think we just need to tough it out! Some babies are sleeping great at Lucy's age, but there are many who are still waking quite a bit just like Lucy.
I am back on Weight Watchers to try to lose those last few pesky pounds left over from the pregnancy (and maybe a few more that were there before the pregnancy)...this was my first week back on Weight was rough, but it'll get easier. I'm also thinking about joining a gym so I can do aerobics a few times every week, but not sure yet...I want to make sure I'll actually have time to use my gym membership! One thing I plan on doing with Lucy is Baby Boot Camp, which is working out with your baby in their's on Wednesday nights, so I think we might check it out next week.
We're looking forward to Easter...I have an adorable dress for Lucy's first Easter! I'll have to post a picture of her in it next time I write the blog. Tonight we're going over to Chris' Aunt Helen's house to dye Easter eggs and eat pizza!
The picture above is happy Lucy in her swing...she has a bunny next to her that her Grandma Marian sent that says Baby's First Easter!
Chris' dad, Grandpa Bob and Peggy are coming to visit next week and we're very excited for them to meet Lucy!