Lucy turned 3 months old Friday. And she's definitely into her 3-6 month clothing now. It's really fun to pull out some new outfits! Lucy has the funniest personality. She loves to squeal and laugh. We had heard little giggles quite some time ago, but she gave her first true laugh last Sunday before I left for Dallas. I was giving her zerbers on the bottoms of her feet and she was laughing so hard. It was the cutest thing ever! And I've noticed she can see me from quite a distance now, so her eye sight must really be developing. She's also becoming increasingly more content and can amuse herself for long periods of time just staring at her hands or lying on our bed staring up at the ceiling fan (she loves that thing!). Bedtime is also going a bit better. Many nights, we're able to put her down in her bassinet awake, but sleepy, and she'll fall to sleep. And she's going longer periods at night now without waking...usually at least one 5 hour block before she wakes up hungry, which is a big improvement!
This week was a busy week. I flew to Dallas Monday to take my board exam Tuesday. It was difficult. The exam is an oral exam, 8 cases, 15 min. per case. I was pretty nervous when I first started the exam and I feel like I kind of bumbled through the first couple of cases. I feel like the second half went much better, but I'm nervous about the outcome because the first half I could've done much better. We don't find out our results for 4-6 weeks, so I'll try to put it out of my mind until I get the results in the mail some time in April. The other really difficult part of the whole thing was being away from Lucy for so long! We are still breastfeeding, which meant that I had to take my pump with me and try to pump every few hours. Since my travel time was about 8 hours, that was a challenge. I managed, but it wasn't very much fun! The highlight of the trip was seeing a friend from residency who I haven't seen since I left Connecticut. We had dinner Tuesday night after the exam which was a lot of fun. And the hotel was amazing. It was the Hyatt suites, and we got a really good group rate. The room was huge with a full kitchen, walk in closet etc. I was excited to get back Wednesday and smother Lucy, Chris & Daisy with a million hugs & kisses!
Then we left for Sunriver, OR Thursday for a conference. We had a great time. We stayed in a beautiful house with a couple other people from my work. The house was decked out with a hot tub, pool & ping pong tables, a huge kitchen and lots of other stuff. It was great. Lucy did amazingly well in the car (she usually hasn't tolerated being in the car for very long) was a 3 hour trip...we did have to stop one time to feed her, but other than that, she was perfect! This was Lucy's first overnight trip away from home. I couldn't believe how difficult it is to pack everything you need to travel with a baby. It's insane...her stroller, her pack & play, her swing, her papasan, all the bottles, the breastfeeding pillow, plenty of clothing because you never know when she's going to spit up or have a little blow-out, tons of diapers & wipes, a few toys...the car was loaded down! A friend from work has a 4-week old baby girl and it was amazing to see the difference between her & Lucy. It really made me realize how Lucy has grown!We made it back this afternoon and now I'm just getting ready for work tomorrow. Back to my regular work schedule of Monday, Tuesday, Friday. Chris unfortunately came down with a sinus cold last night and really isn't feeling well. Hopefully he'll feel better soon.Time to go organize Lucy's closet a little bit and pack up some of her newborn clothes and dig out some of her big girl things!
1 comment:
Congrats on your cute little girl! :-)
Greetings from good old Germany
Stephan and Amy
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