Thursday, February 7, 2008

2 months old today!

Lucy is 2 months old today, and she's doing great. She loves to smile and coo...she's so interactive these days. She also loves to look at lights and really likes to lie in her Baby Einstein gym and stare up at the musical star that lights up. Tomorrow we go to the pediatrician for her 2 month check-up. I think she'll need 3 shots :(

I think we've all pretty much recovered from our horrible day Friday. This week has been pretty good. Lucy enjoyed watching her first Superbowl with dad on Sunday while I did some studying. Then Monday at the breastfeeding group we go to, I weighed her and she had gained 7.4 ounces in one week! That's over an ounce a day, which is super for I've said, she averages only about half an ounce a day, so maybe she's having a growth spurt! She's an ounce shy of 11 pounds now.

Bethany came Tuesday and Wednesday this week, giving me a chance to grocery shop, study and I got that massage I was supposed to have last Friday. Because of little Freddie, we've gotten a headstart on baby-proofing the house. We have baby gates to block off the kitchen and the stairs and we've rearranged things in the living/dining area to be out of baby's reach. It's a good thing...we won't have to worry about all of that when Lucy starts moving around.

Chris & I decided to give up eating out (or really take-out) and sweets for Lent which will be quite a challenge for us. It's only been one day, and already I'm craving sweet stuff.

This afternoon, we go to the new Mom's group which is always fun. Look for Lucy's 2 month stats from the pediatrician in our next blog!

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