Although I do feel like I'm ready to go back to work in some ways, most of me wishes I could just stay home with Lucy indefinitely! This is really my last full week of maternity leave, because I leave for Dallas in exactly one week for my exam, and I'll be there for 2 days. When I get home, we'll leave the next day for Sun River, Oregon (all of us are going) for a pediatric dentistry conference. That should be a lot of fun. And then I start back to work 3 days per week on Monday March 10. Lucy will just have turned 3 months old. I know I keep saying this, but time is just flying by, and already, I can see how much she is changing! i don't want to miss anything she does! She is so so interactive with us...cooing, smiling, laughing all the time...she's checking everything out and is starting to enjoy some of her little toys. And yesterday was the first time that she grasped an object (that wasn't our finger)...there's a picture of her grasping her little rattle. We're finally more comfortable with uncovering her hands...she seems to be less interested in scratching her face these days, although she still has her moments!
The other pictures many of you have seen already over e-mail, but above are some of our favorite shots of Lucy from the professional pictures we had taken when she was only 6 days old.
Sleep has still been on and off. Last night was great...she only woke up once in the middle of the night to eat and went right back to sleep in her bassinet after. But she still has nights where it seems like she's waking up all night long. We really wanted her in her own room around 3 months old by the time I'm back to work, but we'll have to see in a couple of weeks how she's sleeping. This week is more of the same...playing, studying, and even working a little...I'll go in Saturday morning to the office to work and am volunteering up at OHSU on Friday morning for "Give Kids a Smile" day, working with the dental students.
Hope everyone has a great week...can you believe March is almost here?
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